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Charter Conversations: Matt Strong & Monica White

Online Webinar

The Founders of a game-changing technical education academy in Idaho infuse into their students a deep belief in second chances, the importance of social-emotional development, and how to take ownership of their lives as the critical pathway to success. They will share how to utilize those skills during times of crisis.

Practical Application of Virtual Education— Innovation Strategies, Best Practices, Testimonials

Online Webinar

Please join U.S. Department of Education Assistant Secretary of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Frank Brogan, as he leads a panel discussion on the practical application of virtual learning with education practitioners across the country. This forum will provide information and resources to establish or develop innovative virtual learning capabilities in preparation for […]

Building Strong School-to-Community Partnerships to Support Student-Centered Learning

Online Webinar

Strong family-school-community partnerships are critical when transitioning to student-centered learning. The relationship between the school and the community can strengthen, support, and transform the learning process for students. Through the Future Ready Schools®(FRS) framework, specifically the community partnerships gear, schools and districts are encouraged to create formal and informal connections with families, local businesses, and […]

CSP Grant Introductory Webinar – Round 4

Online Webinar

This Charter School Grant workshop announces the CSP grant, explain how to apply, and to answer questions. Please see to see if your school meets eligibility requirements.

Mandatory CSP Applicant Training

Online Webinar

This Charter School Grant workshop announces the CSP grant, explain how to apply, and to answer questions. Please see to see if your school meets eligibility requirements.

Parents and Teachers Speak Out on Learning During COVID-19

As part of its $22 million Communities of Excellence federal Charter School Program (CSP) grant, Bluum promised to engage parents and stakeholders through focus groups and surveys over the 5-year grant term. To lead this work we contracted with the highly-respected FDR Group to give “voice to the stakeholders and communities where charter schools have […]

Rescheduled: How to Lead in Uncertain and Stressful Times

Future Public School 511 E 43rd St., Garden City, ID

This Charter School Grant workshop announces the CSP grant, explain how to apply, and to answer questions. Please see to see if your school meets eligibility requirements.

Together Teacher: Create a Personal Organization System

Teachers are coping with unprecedented pressure and strain this year. There is so much to keep organized and it can be hard to manage tasks and time so that they can maintain some balance in their lives. Because of this, Bluum and Teach for America Idaho are partnering to provide teachers with training on how […]

Leadership in Times of Stress: How to Put People First in the Digital World

Idaho State Capitol Building, Lincoln Auditorium West Wing

Entering our third year of COVID and an ever-growing world of uncertainty from the workforce to war, leadership is harder now than ever before. One thing is certain. Leaders must be more intentional than ever, making sure their cups are full before pouring too much into those around them. Join us May 18th, for a discussion with nationally recognized motivational speaker, entrepreneurial […]

Info Session: Alternative Certification Program For Charter Teachers

Online Webinar

Join us for a virtual info session to learn about Idaho's new charter school certification program. A Zoom link will be sent following registration: Securing excellent teachers for our students is essential to our success and it is harder today than ever.  Last year, with support from Bluum and the Idaho Charter School Network, the […]

Sold a Story: How Teaching Reading Went Awry

Idaho State Capitol Building, Lincoln Auditorium West Wing

GOALS Understand what has gone wrong in how schools across the country teach students to read, and learn what is being done to correct this. Understand the challenges that have faced public schools nationally and within Idaho; and how Idaho’s public schools can correct course. Hear from Idaho’s State Superintendent Debbie Critchfield about her plan […]

HB422 “The Accelerating Public Charter Schools Act” Rewrite

Online Webinar

This is the first serious re-write of Idaho’s Public Charter School law since the law was first written in the late 1990s. The “Accelerating Public Charter Schools Act” seeks to “reward public charter schools that meet their accountability measures with enhanced autonomy and freedom from regulatory burden.” Bluum and the Idaho Charter School Network have […]