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Parents Guide

To ensure every child has the possibility to reach their maximum potential for a successful future, Idaho has created a marketplace of school and learning opportunities. This guide will help you understand your options for choosing the right type of education for your child(ren). We believe that providing information about Idaho’s many — and growing number — of learning choices can help parents make smarter decisions about what may work best for their children.

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Guía de padres

Para asegurar que todos los niños tengan la posibilidad de alcanzar el máximo potencial para un futuro exitoso, Idaho ha creado un mercado de oportunidades escolares y de aprendizaje. Esta guía los ayudará a entender sus opciones para elegir el tipo de educación adecuado para su(s) hijo(s). Nosotros creemos que proveer información acerca de las muchas opciones — y cada vez más — de aprendizaje de Idaho pueden ayudar a los padres tomar decisiones más inteligentes sobre lo que puede funcionar mejor para sus hijos.

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Additional Resources

Idaho Ed Trends

Explore and Compare Data About Public Schools in Idaho


The EdChoice mission is to advance educational freedom and choice for all as a pathway to successful lives and a stronger society.

Seek Common Ground

Education advocacy efforts to promote coalition building that honors the power of local, authentic agenda setting to drive sustainable educational excellence and equity.

Parent Resource Toolkit

From pre-k to college and career, we are dedicated to supporting you and your family throughout every step of your child’s education journey.
